The Karate Pursuit

The Karate Pursuit

We have decided to make this blog to help others find what we have spent years slowly tracking down and documenting,
Hopefully it will save you some time, and take your karate adventures to another level- making them more fun and educational.

If you come to Okinawa then you are almost certainly going to end up at one or more of the places on this list.

I have written as if you are completely new to the island and what is obvious to some is new to others.
Also because we study Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate the locations are more orientated towards this because this
is where we started six years ago. Since then we have branched out to include everything Karate and Martial
Arts related.

I believe and have been taught that history is a really important part in Karate and understanding how it all began.
Okinawa is the ‘birthplace’ of Karate and so has many many karate related sites and memorials dedicated to the
masters that came before us and made it possible for us to also spend our lives being a part of such an incredible

For me, finding these places where these people actually were or had connections to at some point brings a new
realisation and appreciation for what they have passed on through the generations.
That being said, please be respectful when visiting the places.

With regards to the Haka, you must remember that these are family graves and not tourist places. These people
were someone’s children/ parents/ grandparents. Please remember this and have it in mind when you are at
these places.
I have done the best i can to make sure that this is all accurate and everything is up to date but there may still be
As Nagamine Shoshin Sensei said ‘He is human and so am I’ and so apologies in advance for any errors i have made.  
We will be adding more as the adventures continue and if you have any suggestions please contact us.

A final note i would like to add is to please be careful.
Some of the locations have the potential to be dangerous or for accidents to happen. A lot of the sites are also remotely
located and so there is not likely to be anyone around to help if there is a problem.
Please make sure you have a means of communication with you, that you take a friend (fellow adventurer) and/ or
let people know where you will be going and when you are expected back.
Some of the sites have a map link that is nearby the site you are looking for and then instructions, that is all part
of the adventure and if you embrace it, i’m sure you will have as much fun finding these places as we have had.

温 故 知 新

“On Ko Chi Shin”
‘Study the Past to Understand the Present’


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